Chenyan Wu (吴晨彦)


Senior Lecturer at School of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of Melbourne

Email: chenyan.wu "at"

Office: Peter Hall Building 208

Mailing Address:

School of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Melbourne
Victoria, 3010, Australia

Seminars and Workshops


I am most interested in Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry. Currently I am focusing on automorphic forms, theta correspondence, L-functions, endoscopy, periods and Abelian varieties.

Publication and Preprints

  1. Chenyan Wu. Theta correspondence and simple factors in global Arthur parameters. Algebra Number Theory, 18(5):969–991, 2024. arXiv:2208.06566.
  2. Poles of Eisenstein series and theta lifts for unitary groups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 317-1 (2022), 207–237. arXiv:2104.11954.
  3. Periods and (χ, b)-factors of Cuspidal Automorphic Forms of Metaplectic Groups. Journal of Number Theory, 241:262–296, 2022. arXiv:2002.08551.
  4. Virtual Abelian Varieties of GL2-type. Mathematical Research Letters.Volume 27 (2020), no. 3, 903-944. arXiv:1507.03069.
  5. Periods and (χ, b)-Factors of Cuspidal Automorphic Forms of Symplectic Groups. With Dihua Jiang (江迪华). Israel J. Math. 225 (2018), no. 1, 267–320. arXiv:1507.03297.
  6. A Critical Case of Rallis Inner Product Formula. Sci. China Math. 60 (2017), no. 2, 201–222. arXiv:1603.04123.
  7. On (χ, b)-factors of Cuspidal Automorphic Representations of Unitary Groups I. With Dihua Jiang (江迪华). J. Number Theory 161 (2016), 88–118. arXiv:1409.0767.
  8. Irreducibility of Theta Lifting for Unitary Groups. J. Number Theory, 133(10):3296–3318, 2013. arXiv:1409.0770.
  9. Classification of Small Covers over Prisms up to Equivariant Cobordism. Adv. Math. (China), 37(5):584–590, 2008.


Unless otherwise specified, the subject materials are on Canvas.


Potential Student Projects

Some projects of varying levels (unsorted). Please contact me if you are interested in learning or shaping the projects with me.


Conferences, Workshops and Short Visits

Employment and Visiting Positions

