2019 Semester 1, MAST10006 Calculus II

Day/Time: MWF 10:00 - 11:00 (04/03/2019 - 02/06/2019)
Location: JH Michell Theatre, Peter Hall Building
Instructor: Chenyan Wu
Contact Information: chenyan.wu "at" unimelb.edu.au
Office: Old Geology South 107
Consultation Hours: Tu 10 - 12, F 11:05 - 12:05


I also hold a tutorial session on M 11 - 12 at G09, Peter Hall Building. If you want to attend this tutorial session, please make sure you are registered.

Subject Information

The subject coordinator is A/Prof Diarmuid Crowley. Most of the questions regarding this subject, such as those about late homework, should be directed to him. The tutor coordinator is Dr TriThang Tran. You can find more information on this subject from the handbook. LMS is used extensively for subject information, announcements, WebWork etc. Be sure to check it out.

How to Differentiate and Integrate (from xkcd)

Here are the definitive flow charts.